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Happy St George's Day

By Roulette Len (Roulette Len)23/4 10:37Tue Apr 23 10:37:09 2024

Views: 819

To you all.

Have a great day.

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By Freemo23/4 11:28Tue Apr 23 11:28:45 2024In response to Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 695

Due to it being a Germanic name, there doesn't appear to be a Saint Carl, which has scuppered my suggestion.

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By Handyandy123/4 10:56Tue Apr 23 10:56:05 2024In response to Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 719

Yes, you can't move for flags commemorating the occasion! Had it been St Patrick's Day however the shops would be full of it.

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By StirlingBoro9123/4 13:08Tue Apr 23 13:08:05 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 628

To be fair St Patrick's Day is fun, the guy actually went to Ireland... And he was born in England.

More than can be said for St George.

Never got why he is our patron saint instead of some other sod.

Edited by StirlingBoro91 at 13:08:23 on 23rd April 2024

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By HitchinBoro exCalling (HitchinBoro exCalling)23/4 15:28Tue Apr 23 15:28:00 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 555

Born in what is now modern day Macedonia. Also patron saint of other countries I think .

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By AndyC23/4 15:39Tue Apr 23 15:39:25 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 553

According to Wikipedia also the patron Saint of agricultural workers, farmers, field workers; soldiers; archers; armourers; equestrians, cavalry, saddle makers; chivalry; peacekeeping missions; skin diseases, lepers and leprosy, syphilis; sheep, shepherds, scouting, England

Let's all celebrate syphilis and leprosy today

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By Sev23/4 16:07Tue Apr 23 16:07:08 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 565

I'd suggest it's not the Saint people celebrate but what the day represents*. Like celebrating Christmas but not being religious.

*Of course nowadays what it represents is a day where half the country call the other half racist on the internet.

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By Handyandy123/4 19:40Tue Apr 23 19:40:01 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 522

Nicely put. How dare we celebrate our flag. We must all be racist bigots. This country's bickering gets me down. I lived in the States for 10 years, totally different over there. They love their flag. Wish we did.

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By AndyC23/4 20:14Tue Apr 23 20:14:23 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 499

Unfortunately the first thing you think of when you see the St George Cross is a fat tattooed bloke pissed out of his nut, sunburnt and more than likely fighting/throwing plastic furniture about in a city square somewhere in southern Europe, and the vast majority of people don't want to be associated with that

I say this as an England fan who goes to games here and abroad at away games and tournaments and a very high proportion of our fans are an embarrassment to be around

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By Chuds23/4 20:22Tue Apr 23 20:22:24 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 517

My issue is that I simply do not understand nationalism or patriotism. I never have and never will. Nothing will change my mind on it. I just find it a seriously outdated notion, we are not in the 1940s anymore.

I can honestly say it doesn't matter one iota to me where a person is from, I will judge them on their own merits. Somebody who just so happens to be born within the same totally made up land border as me is just as likely to be a prick who I do not like and have nothing in common with as somebody from some other made up land border. Heck, somebody from Lebanon or Libya is likely to be less of a prick than somebody from Liverpool, and is certain to speak far better English.

And I cannot say I have a huge deal of pride about this made up land border I just so happened to be born in right now. Led by a despicable Government, all waterways polluted to fuck, the natural environment and wildlife being destroyed and persecuted, all utilities companies a disgrace, a health service dead on its arse, a flailing economy, I could go on. There are also good aspects, of course, but there are to every country. Just makes no sense to me.

Edited by Chuds at 20:23:47 on 23rd April 2024
Edited by Chuds at 20:24:43 on 23rd April 2024

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By StirlingBoro9124/4 00:08Wed Apr 24 00:08:42 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 477

Well said! It's not the flag that matters for me but the people in this country, of all colours and creeds, no matter where they're from.

I don't think people who fly the flag are automatically racist or even idiots, but racists and idiots really do gravitate to it to the point I'm kind of tired of it.

Also, I totally respect people's desire to fly the flag and be proud of this country but we've never been American and I never got why some people look at them as a positive example.

They're nuts about their flag and patriotism, and really not in a healthy way.

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By HitchinBoro exCalling (HitchinBoro exCalling)24/4 06:38Wed Apr 24 06:38:30 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 465

Agree but. I think the issue is the incorrect perception of many English rhat it is ok to be Scottish, Welsh or Irish but not English as we must be racist .This is fuelled by our right wing press

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By Handyandy124/4 12:37Wed Apr 24 12:37:49 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 419

Disagree, it's fueled by left wing do gooders thinking anyone who fly's our flag must be a racist.

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By Balders (BALDOCKBORO)24/4 14:45Wed Apr 24 14:45:28 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 386

What's a "do-gooder" and why is it a derogatory term to you?

Shouldn't we all try and be kind and do good for others?

Irrespective of our left or right wing politics.

Edited by BALDOCKBORO at 14:46:15 on 24th April 2024

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By StirlingBoro9124/4 11:32Wed Apr 24 11:32:08 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 395

It's weird that the Scots, Irish, and Welsh can all celebrate their patron saint days (and for Ireland and Wales their saints actually reached their shores) without turning it into some sort of ultra nationalist paranoid panic.

Must be nice to just slap on some green, down a few pints, and keep politics out of it.

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By Handyandy124/4 12:47Wed Apr 24 12:47:17 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 406

Totally agree. That's all I want. To feel patriotic about a country that on the whole is an amazing place to live. Pretty much every country in the world is aloud to feel that but we're considered bigots here, nazi sympathisers and all the rest of it if we dare to display any love for our country. Makes me want to support Woking sometimes.

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By Chuds23/4 19:55Tue Apr 23 19:55:24 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 497


Do you love all fabrics equally, or is it just flags that hold such a special place in your heart?

Teatowels? Blankets? Curtains?

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By WASP (Original Mr Wasp)23/4 20:33Tue Apr 23 20:33:25 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 476

Didn’t you try and steal a flag from a ferry?

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By Chuds23/4 20:36Tue Apr 23 20:36:06 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 480

I removed it from the ferry.

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By Handyandy123/4 20:01Tue Apr 23 20:01:37 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 500

Just the flag and my George Cross Mankini.

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By Chuds23/4 20:15Tue Apr 23 20:15:33 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 498

Photos please :).

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By Freemo23/4 19:52Tue Apr 23 19:52:15 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 496

Whereas I think the Yanks are pathetic flagshaggers and that bollocks can get to fuck

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By Chuds23/4 19:53Tue Apr 23 19:53:55 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 504


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Re: Happy St George's Day

By Balders (BALDOCKBORO)23/4 18:31Tue Apr 23 18:31:47 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 523

Yeah sorry about that.

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By StirlingBoro9123/4 15:32Tue Apr 23 15:32:53 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 544

Yep and it always baffled me. There are hundreds of English saints.

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By Balders (BALDOCKBORO)23/4 18:30Tue Apr 23 18:30:57 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 510

Yeah but none of them made it to officer rank, found God, then got kicked out-of the army, killed a dragon armed with just a sword, before being tortured for 7 years and then beheaded at the age of 23.

He packed a lot into his short life did George.

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By Paulio23/4 12:53Tue Apr 23 12:53:49 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 640

What promotional branding would you associate with St George’s Day?

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By AndyC23/4 14:34Tue Apr 23 14:34:10 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 571

Tattooed beer bellies, white plastic patio furniture

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By Freemo23/4 14:35Tue Apr 23 14:35:04 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 580

Patriotism is proportionate to how fucking awful your home town is.

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By AndyC23/4 11:32Tue Apr 23 11:32:32 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 691

Proudly displaying my St George Cross today

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Re: Happy St George's Day

By Bankerbob23/4 11:22Tue Apr 23 11:22:14 2024In response to Re: Happy St George's DayTop of thread

Views: 660

Dydd San Siôr Hapus to the English infidels from a Welshman!

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Previous thread: ***JUST SEEN MARTIN KEOWN AT THE TRAIN STATION*** by Phoenix23/4 16:41Tue Apr 23 16:41:05 2024view thread